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Allotment of CSP Codes by Circles


To put in place a uniform performance based procedure for allotment of CSP codes to entity BCs.

Stake Holders

  1. BC
  2. Link Branch
  3. IRBO
  4. Outreach dept. LHO
  5. ITRB
  6. CMS

Procedure for Allotment of Codes


  1. The BC to do a).Survey b). Identify a person as CSP c) identify a location for setting up an outlet.
  2. The identification of the CSP, due diligence including  Aadhaar enrollment , police verification and completion of the application form in all respects to be completed by the BC.
  3. The BC to submit individual application form CSP wise,after completing the items I and 2above to the Link Branch and the application should contain the details as given in Annexure A.
  4. A summarised detail of the application submitted by the BC to be e-mailed to Link Branch , RBO, Outreach department, LHO as per Annexure B.

Stage2-Link Branch(LB)

  1. The application submitted by the BC is scrutinized by the Link branch officials and rejection due to defective application if any, has to be communicated to the BC /RBO /LHO by mail within 2 days of receipt of the application.
  2. Branch to decide about the suitability of the location, Link branch and the need for the CSP at the particular location as applied by the BC.
  3. The performance of the BC for contribution to improvement in CASA and also reduction in Zero balance accounts of their existing CSPs may be taken cognisance of.
  4. The LB officials to inspect the location, viability and other factors and recommend the application to RBO by mail.
  5. The TAT for completing the above process by LB should not be more than 10 days from the date of receipt of application from the BC
  6. LB to send their recommendation to RBO by mail.


  1. On receipt of mail from the BC on submission of the application to the Link branch, RBO to follow up with the Link Branch for processing of the application. In case of need, Manager (F.I) to do the inspection and has to ensure that the TAT of the Link branch is maintained.
  2. Monitoring and follow up BC wise / Location wise and Link branch wise for the Region to be done by RBO.
  3. On receipt of recommendation from LB (through mail) RBO to send mail with their recommendation to Outreach department, LHO within 3 days with a copy to LB.
  4. RBO will send a letter to LB about the generation of code after receiving the information from LHO for LB record.

Stage4-Outreach Department,LHO

  1. Outreach department, LHO to generate code after receipt of the mail from RBO for code creation.
  2. The generation of CSP code by the LHO after receipt of recommendation from the RBO to be completed within 3 days.
  3. The Outreach department to inform  by mail  (after generation of code) to  BC,RBO,FIC,CMS  ITRB and respective  LB


  1. The BC after obtaining the code for the CSP should arrange for outlet, notices, signage, branding requirement like uniform and other infrastructure and ensure commencement of activity at the CSP outlet within one month from the date of allotment of code.

Stage6–Outreach Department,LHO

  1. LHO to review the activation of codes given to BC after Two months and if activation is pending without valid reasons subsequent codes of the BC to be slowed down and the BC should be asked to activate the already allotted code. This information will be passed on to RBO and LB by the Outreach department, LHO
  2. Outreach department based on the mails received from the BC to monitor that the code allotment process is completed within the stipulated TAT time. Suitable daily list may be introduced at their end.

Overall TAT for Allotment of Code by the Bank


From the date of receipt of completed application from the BC

At Link Branch

10 days


5 days


5 days

Total TAT

20 days

Note :

  • Application is directly given by the BCs to Link Branch and will remain at the branch for record and future reference.
  • All communication with relevant details to be sent through mail by LB/RBO/LHO to ensure TAT.

For More Information about CSP Codes, Contact:
Mr.Shaik Ismail, Executive – Financial Inclusion
Mobile: +91 9542582467
Toll Free: 1800 3000 3468

Source : Mr Raja Kishore, CSC e-Governance Services India Ltd.

শেহতীয়া উন্নীতকৰণ: : 12/23/2020

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