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Clean Air


Most urban households use Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) for cooking, and occasionally for heating water. Rural households may use biomass/ coal/ kerosene as domestic fuel.

Biomass is carbon-neutral fuel but its burning in unventilated areas results in emissions comprising particulate matter, which is hazardous to human health. There are programs underway for promoting fuel-efficient biomass cook stoves with more efficient energy use.

Pradhanmantri Ujjwala Yojana, an ambitious programme of Government of India is providing LPG connection to household Below Poverty Line. When efficiently used, LPG create less environmental impact compared with wood burning cook-stoves. Improper combustion of LPG can release hazardous emission. In urban homes, people indulge in wasteful use of LPG without ever realising it.

Households and industries use electricity for various operations and activities. Faulty maintenance of various machine, equipment, air conditioners, refrigerators and generators leads to wastage of energy and causes pollution. Maintenance of appliances and machines should receive propriety. Plantation can help in reducing air and noise pollution to an extent.


  • Plant a tree that absorbs carbon dioxide.
  • Cigarette smoking harms environment and health. Give up smoking.
  • Greener the city, cleaner the air.
  • Industry should prevent release of hazardous emission by installing ESP.
  • Use a latex based paint. Oil-based paints release hydrocarbon vapours which are hazardous.
  • Properly maintained vehicles have better fuel efficiency and emit lesser pollutants.
  • Stop the practice of burning of waste.
  • Provide adequate stack height and space for diesel generators.
  • Keep garbage in covered bins so that it is not blown and spread by the wind.
  • Do provide adequate emission control system in the kitchen area.
  • Avoid burning of wood during festivals.
  • Make use of electric cremation or improved wood crematoria.
  • Try growing indoor plants to filter toxins from the air in your home or office.
  • Drive less: Walk, bike, or take the bus or train instead of driving solo whenever you can.
  • Use less toxic products for household cleaning, painting, washing clothes.
  • When possible, conduct meetings by conference calls instead of travelling to meet in-person, off-site.
  • Follow manufacturers' recommendations for use and properly seal cleaners, paints, and other chemicals to prevent evaporation into the air.
  • Get timely Pollution Under Control Certificate for vehicles.
  • Get regular servicing and cleaning done of electrical appliances, including refrigerator and Air conditioners.
  • Minimize use of diesel and kerosene generators.
  • Vegetation may be used where existing means of pollution control have proved inadequate.

Source : Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

শেহতীয়া উন্নীতকৰণ: : 7/1/2024

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