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Technology Development, Extension and Training

Technology support is extremely vital for success of land based programme, specially in the development of Wastelands. Proper area specific strategy has to be developed keeping in view the Agro-Climatic conditions and capability of land. Realizing this, a Central Sector Scheme of TDET was launched during 1993-94 to develop suitable technologies for the reclamation of Wastelands for sustained production of food, fuel wood, fodder etc.

This scheme is being implemented through ICAR, State Agricultural Universities, District Rural Development Agencies (DRDA’s), and Government Institutions having adequate institutional framework and organisational back up.

Objective of the Scheme

  • Development of data base for planning sustainable development of wastelands
  • Operationalisation of cost effective and proven technologies for development of various categories of wastelands specially problem lands affected by soil erosion , land degradation, salinity, alkalinity, water logging etc.,
  • Implementation of location specific pilot projects/ demonstration models including pisciculture, duckery, bee keeping, domesticated animals and birds etc.,
  • Dissemination of research findings and appropriate technologies for promoting wastelands development,
  • Evaluation of impact, and replication of these models in larger areas
  • Organizing of publicity, awareness campaign, seminar/ conferences, circulation of handouts/ extension materials.

Type of Project/Activities to be assisted

The major activities to be undertaken under the scheme would comprise of:

  • Promotion and testing of various Agro-Forestry Models in different Agro-Climatic Zones of the country,
  • Testing of cost effective technologies for increasing productivity of saline and alkaline soils.
  • Development of waterlogged areas through surface, sub surface and bio-drainage technology
  • Promotion of medicinal and herbal plantations in wastelands
  • Composite technologies for water harvesting
  • Treatment of degraded lands through vermi-culture, micorhizae and Bio-Pesticides
  • Food Stock Model techniques and development of technology for Jojoba Plantation in Arid and Semi Arid areas through Israeli collaboration.
In order to develop District level data base on wastelands the DoLR in collaboration with the NRSA, Hyderabad has brought out the "Wasteland Atlas of India" covering the entire country on 1:50000 scale using Remote Sensing imageries.

Extent and Pattern of Financial Assistance

  • Under this Central Sector Scheme, 100% central grant will be admissible for implementing projects which are on lands owned by Government/Government Institution/Government Undertakings including universities and non-profit making agencies or the Village Panchayats from which the usufructs will flow to the community.
  • For projects being executed on land belonging to private farmer/Corporate Sector the cost of the project would be shared in a 60:40 ration between the NWDB and the farmer/Corporate body.

Source: Department of Land resources

Related resources

  1. Guidelines for Central Sector Scheme of Technology Development Extension and Training
  2. Wasteland Atlas of India

শেহতীয়া উন্নীতকৰণ: : 3/2/2020

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