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National Energy Conservation Day

National Energy Conservation Day

The National Energy Conservation Day is being celebrated every year on December 14 since 1991. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under Ministry of Power spearheads the celebrations every year.


The objective to celebrate the National Energy Conservation Day is to drive mass awareness about the importance of energy efficiency and conservation.NECD

Activities taken up

BEE recognizes and encourages endeavours of industries in reducing energy consumption by felicitating them with National Energy Conservation Awards. BEE also awards prizes to the national winners of the annual National Painting Competition on Energy Conservation.

National Energy Conservation Awards

The annual energy conservation awards recognize innovation and achievements in energy conservation by the industries, buildings, manufacturers of BEE star labeled appliances and raise awareness that energy conservation plays a big part in India’s response to reducing global warming through energy savings. The awards are also recognition of their demonstrated commitment to energy conservation and efficiency. The scheme has motivated industry and other establishment to adopt energy efficiency measures.

 The Awards were given away for the first time in December 14 1991, which is celebrated as “National Energy Conservation Day” throughout the country. Every year on 14th December, these Awards are given by eminent dignitaries of the Government of India to various sectors of the economy to recognize the exemplary efforts on Energy Conservation in the country by them. 

17 sectors covering 5 categories - Industry, buildings, Transport, Instituions and Appliances are included in the Awards. 

Electrical energy savings is calculated in terms of equivalent avoided capacity (mw) per year by the participating units through implementation of energy saving projects.

Beginning 2021, the Energy Efficiency Innovation Awards (NEEIA) under two categories - Category A - Buildings, Transport and Industries and Category B - Students and Research Scholars were added.

The National Energy Conservation Awards (NECA) are being given to the energy-intensive units of various sectors of the Indian economy for their exceptional achievements in reducing specific energy consumption. Whereas NEEIA is conceptualised to boost energy efficiency through innovative measures. The objective of institutionalising this award is to instil a sense of competition among industries and sectors to develop innovative energy efficiency measures in their facilities and also to disseminate these technologies to ensure their multiplicity and adaptation in other sectors.

To know more, click here.

National Level Painting Competition 2023 on Energy Conservation

The Ministry of Power has launched the National Painting Competition in the year 2005 under the National Awareness Campaign to promote energy conservation in the country for students of 4th, 5th and 6th standards. Painting competition for students at the School, State and at National level has been included as one of the activities of the campaign, which would not only make aware the children about the need of conserving energy but at the same time would educate and involve their parents as well in the above cause. The identified activity is one of the measures, which can help in creating awareness in the domestic sector. In order to strengthen and for added cognizance, higher classes of 7th, 8th and 9th standards have been included from 2013 in addition to existing classes of 4th, 5th and 6th Standards.

The objective of the activity is to promote energy conservation in young minds of the country. The painting competition for students would not only make the students aware about the need of conserving energy but at the same time would sensitize and involve their parents as well in the above cause. This may inculcate a habit in the minds of young children towards energy conservation which may bring behavioral change among them. 

The winners of the National level competition will be awarded on the occasion of National Energy Conservation Day, December 14th every year.

Source : BEE 

শেহতীয়া উন্নীতকৰণ: : 12/1/2023

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