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Standards and Labeling programme

The Bureau of Energy Efficiency initiated the Standards & Labeling programme for equipment and appliances in 2006 to provide the consumer an informed choice about the energy saving and thereby the cost saving potential of the relevant marketed product. The energy efficiency labeling programs under BEE are intended to reduce the energy consumption of appliance without diminishing the services it provides to consumers.

The scheme is invoked for 34 equipment/appliances including 14 for which it is mandatory. The other appliances are presently under voluntary labeling phase. This program is expected to save approximately 11.2 billion units of electricity by 2030 and will enable the reduction of CO2 emission close to 9 million tonne by 2030 and shall support India to transition towards low carbon sustainable growth and achieve its ambition of net zero by 2070. 

Products notified under mandatory appliance

The following products have been notified under mandatory labeling.

  1. Frost Free (No-Frost) Refrigerator
  2. Stationary Storage Type Electric Water Heater
  3. Color TV
  4. Room Air Conditioner (Variable Speed)
  5. Tubular Fluorescent Lamps
  6. LED lamps
  7. Room Air Conditioner (Fixed Speed)
  8.  Deep Freezers 
  9.  Ultra-High Definition (UHD) Televisions 
  10.  Room Air Conditioner (Fixed Speed) 
  11.  RAC (Cassette, Floor Standing Tower, Ceiling, Corner AC) 
  12.  Distribution Transformer 
  13.  Direct Cool Refrigerator 
  14. Ceiling Fan

Products under voluntary labelling

The following products have been notified under voluntary labeling.

  1. Computer (Notebook/Laptops)
  2. Domestic Gas Stove
  3. General Purpose Industrial Motor
  4. Submersible Pump Set
  5. Washing Machine (Semi/Top Load/Front Load)
  6. Ballast
  7. Solid State Inverter
  8. Office Automation Products
  9. Diesel Engine Driven Monoset Pumps for Agricultural Purposes
  10. Diesel Generator Set
  11. Chillers
  12. Microwave Oven
  13. Solar Water Heater
  14. Air Compressors
  15. Tyres/Tires
  16. High Energy Li-Battery
  17.  Side by Side/Multi Door Refrigerator
  18.  Pedestal Fan 
  19.  Table/Wall Fan 
  20. Induction Hob

Source : Bureau of Energy Efficiency

Mobile app on "Star rating"

The ‘Star Rating’ is linked to the Standards and Labelling database and provides the user a platform to compare personalized energy saving devices across the same class and get a real-time feedback from consumers and other stakeholders so they can make an informed purchase decision. Apart from being a one-stop solution for customers, it’s also a valuable tool for policy makers to access the accumulated data and analyse the feedback of the market at any given point in time. The app can be downloaded from the play store of any android and iOS operated smart phones.

To download the mobile app for Android platform, click here.

To download the mobile app for iOS platform, click here.

Related Resources

  1. Search and Compare appliances
  2. Benefits of Star Labelling

শেহতীয়া উন্নীতকৰণ: : 5/11/2023

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